Our Vision
As New Futures is part of the Keys Co-operative Academy Trust we align with the trust vision.
Our Vision
For all young people, regardless of barriers, to achieve their potential, enjoy positive life chances and make a positive contribution to their community.
Our Mission
We strive to be outstanding providers of education, helping young people to succeed in their lives through learning and personal development.
Our Aims
Providing outstanding education and support to young people:
Being dedicated to overcoming barriers to learning and providing high-quality support to our pupils and their parents or carers.
Encouraging all pupils to develop positive self-expression.
Having an appropriate, broad and balanced curriculum that meets the specific needs of the pupils to succeed in life, with an emphasis on future learning and next steps.
Demonstrating through effective measures, that pupils make at least expected progress in their academic achievement, behaviours and attitude, attendance and punctuality and personal development, appropriate to their starting point.
"Great things happen when people co-operate. Through learning we empower and inspire individuals, co-operatives and communities to use co-operative values and principles to build a fairer world"- The Co-operative College
Our Values
As a co-operative academy we share these values to give our provision its distinctive character and support our children in being positive members of society in the wider world
As a Trauma Perceptive Practice (TPP) school our ethos and approach are underpinned by the TPP Values:
Compassion and kindness instead of blame and shame
Hope instead of hopelessness
Connection and belonging rather than disconnection
TPP Approach
The New Futures Team has a strong moral purpose grounded in a secure understanding of the impact on brain development from early years trauma. They are committed to ensuring that pupils are given every opportunity to aspire to be their own personal best and any barriers to achieving their goals are worked on to reduce or remove. Through these high expectations, nurturing culture and deep understanding of underlying needs that drive pupils actions and behaviours pupils are enabled to feel safe, learn to build relationships, self-regulate and have the resilience to cope with life demands.
All staff have received training in Trauma Perceptive Practice (TPP) and several staff within the primary team are trained trainers. There are also trained Therapeutic Thinking Essex Steps Tutors within the team who deliver the specific training required for the use of non and restrictive physical intervention. Whilst there are times when pupils may become dysregulated staff are exceptional at safely managing these behaviours and restoring the calm, safe environment through the solid relationships built over time alongside the TPP approach.