As we are alternative and specialist provisions our admissions are not made through applications directly by parent/carers. Pupils access our provisions through different pathways.
Permanent Exclusion
A decision to permanently exclude a child must be made in line with the DfE statutory guidance on the exclusion of pupils from local-authority-maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units. If you have any concerns or questions then please discuss this with the LA Education Access Specialist Team. Permanent exclusion should always be the very last resort and therefore to talk this over first is always advisable.
Request for Support
Requests for support are submitted by the pupils' current school. They are discussed at the Request for Support Panel.​ This panel serves the enhanced provisions that are based across Essex on mainstream school sites. The panel will meet each half term and consists of senior leaders from New Futures, enhanced provisions, representatives from the SEND quadrant team, essex education access and primary head teachers.
SEMH Enhanced Provisions
North East Essex:
GROW Clacton: Whitehall Academy
GROW Colchester (north): Braiswick Primary
GROW Colchester (south): Monkwick Junior School
The Harbour: Spring Meadow Primary
Mid Essex:
GROW Chelmsford: Newlands Spring
GROW Braintree: Lyons Hall Primary
The Willows: St Marys C of E
Note: It is not expected that pupils with EHCPs will be referred to the panel unless there is a clear and time limited piece of work identified to be undertaken with the child. Any such referral must have support from the SEND operations team.
The Panel does not replace or change the referral process for any other service i.e. the EP Service, Inclusion Partner and SEND operations.
​​​If you think alternative or enhanced provision is an appropriate next step then you must complete a ‘Request for Support’ form and have agreement from parents/carers/social care.
Please ensure before making a request that you have fully utilised the services of your school Inclusion Partner and Educational Psychologist. ​
Requests for support to New Futures as agreed by Education access.
Please send to:
Request for supports to an enhanced provision in North East Essex.
Please send to:
Requests for support to an enhanced provision in Mid Essex.
Please send to:
Note: A child will not be offered a place at an enhanced provision if they are undergoing a Statutory Assessment for an EHCP. The place can only be offered once the plan is finalised.
Dates of Request for Support Panel Meetings for 2024/25

Autumn 1
Mid Essex:
Submission deadline: 8/10/24
Panel: 22/10/24
North East:
Submission deadline: 24/9/24
Panel: 8/10/24

Autumn 2
Mid Essex:
Submission deadline: 26/11/24
Panel: 10/12/24
North East:
Submission deadline: 19/11/24
Panel: 3/12/24

Spring 1
Mid Essex:
Submission deadline: 28/1/25
Panel: 11/2/25
North East:
Submission deadline: 14/1/25
Panel: 28/1/25

Spring 2
Mid Essex:
Submission deadline: 1/4/25
Panel: 29/4/25
North East:
Submission deadline: 4/3/25
Panel: 18/3/25

Summer 1
Mid Essex:
Submission deadline: 10/6/25
Panel: 24/6/25
North East:
Submission deadline: 22/4/25
Panel: 6/5/25

Summer 2
Mid Essex:
Submission deadline: --
Panel: --
North East:
Submission deadline: 17/6/25
Panel: 1/7/25
Specialist Provision
Pupils can only access our specialist provisions through applications made by SEND operations. These applications are then subject to our consultation processes where we will review if it is an appropriate referral and then may meet the pupil and their family before offering a place.